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TigerFace - New R&D (Day 1)

Updated: Oct 30, 2018

After a six month hiatus, I'm back in the room with TigerFace, and this time I'm joined by one hellova creative team, including Dramaturg, Paul Jenkins.

Here's a bit more about him:

I’m a director, dramaturg, writer & actor. Greedy bastard. I love crazy east European theatre. Not silly crazy or museum crazy - serious crazy, like when you were 16 in a room full of your mates and anything might happen crazy.

So far we've sat and chatted about the work, what we know and what we don't yet know, what it is and what it could be. We've talked about imaginary deaths for former Kids TV Presenters, and eating raw meat during a quarter-life-crisis. We've interrogated the existing narrative strands of the work more thoroughly and so together are seeking to find some thread/through line that will bolster the ending.

This R&D (drop it in here) funded by ACW (BOOM! Funding bid fulfilled) supported by The Riverfront, is a more focused exploration of TigerFace. It's a steered drive towards one of only a few possible places. It's about having the time, space, and resources to fully focus on the piece, but it's also about enabling me, as a solo maker/performer, to have other creative people collaborating with me.

For anyone whose seen my previous blogs about how I make work, you'll have read about how I like creating dichotomies. Ideas in opposition are interesting to me because in the clash what they create is often intriguing and almost wholly new... because not only am I looking at how to tell an autobiographical story through a fictionalised narrative, I'm also trying to offer something that is both rehearsed and improvised, whilst looking at what collaborating - as a solo performer - looks and feels like.

So far, so very fucking good.



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